Tuesday 12 November 2013

"For Whom The Cloche Tolls" - A Scrap-Book Of The Twenties by Angus Wilson and Philippe Jullian (published by Methuen, London 1953) - Part 2


Another brilliant example of French illustration from the 1950's, by Philippe Jullian (1921-1977). There are illustrations in every page of this book enveloping the text, enhancing its witty and bizarre stories. The artist's line work is playful and at times fragile but when you look closely it depicts the costumes, hairstyles and faces in some detail. Going through each page you end up spending more time admiring each character than reading the text - and there are hundreds of them! I came across this extensive article on Philippe Jullian (on John Coulthart's amazing blog) which gives a good insight on his character and work: http://www.johncoulthart.com/feuilleton/2010/12/13/philippe-jullian-connoisseur-of-the-exotic/



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